Brenda Fletcher Gaston|Jan 27, 2020
Thanks all for following along on this unexpected journey. Thanks to lots of prayers, crossed fingers, knocking on wood and my plain old stubbornness and positive outlook all is going along well to this point. In a couple of days I will have my 4th chemo infusion and be 50% done with this part my chemo treatments. I have had very few side affects. And, what I have had has been short in duration and minimal overall. Mostly, I have found myself being short of breath when I get to the top of the stairs! But, that doesn't stop me from going up and down them as I would any normal day. Then there's the naps. The doctor told me sleep is healing. I guess I'm trying to make sure it is. Mid-afternoon I can accidentally take a 3 hour nap. Then still go to bed EARLY for me and go straight to sleep. Might wake up a bit early......but go right back to sleep. LOL. Not on a daily basis but at least a couple times a week. You who really know me KNOW I'm up late every night. Not now!

On Feb 14 I start a different chemo drug. 4 rounds of that. Side effects are mostly different. TIme will tell if my luck continues to hold. I'll be letting you know.

Friends and Family? They're the best!!

Hugs to all

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Jan Foulke|Jan 15, 2020
We are here for you Brenda!! So many in your church family are praying for you. Your mom and dad are such wonderful, loving people, I am so glad to know them and you. My prayer for you: "May God's healing grace pour over you like a rich balm, comforting you like a warm blanket, giving you calm and strength for the journey."
Love, Jan
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Karen Ellis|Jan 7, 2020
Linda, could you send me an invite for the Caring Bridge account please?
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