Patricia Roberts|Sep 26, 2019
Bren, so glad you are healing well and getting closer to the end. We know God has been with you and your family through this whole ordeal. So glad to know your faith is so strong and that you are relying on The Lord for your strength. Love you! Aunt Pat and Uncle Dale
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Janet Intini|Sep 26, 2019
Thank you for allowing us to come on this journey with you. You have been real and raw, shared the struggles and the triumphs. You have been a blessing to many along this difficult road. A women of excellence who can find.....God has found one in you !
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Janet Intini|Sep 26, 2019
Thank you for allowing us to come on this journey with you. You have been real and raw, shared the struggles and the triumphs. You have been a blessing to many along this difficult road. A women of excellence who can find.....God has found one in you !
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Sarah Babcock|Sep 26, 2019
God is so good!!! I am so thankful for his constant care and provision for your family. I have being thinking about you and praying that your recovery was going well. I will continue to pray for God's complete healing and restoration of your body! So thankful for the good reports!!
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Lori Wittmus|Sep 25, 2019
Wow Brenda, another amazing story of God’s never ending presence and care watching over his child. So glad Neal knew that he needed to act quickly and that everything went smoothly from start to finish. Prayers for Carter’s healing and have continued pray for you. Glad to hear you are getting your strength back. Pray that the scabbing will soon be done.
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Tom and Denise Myers|Sep 25, 2019
As Tom and I pray daily for you and your family of boys, we had just commented that we hoped to get an update from you soon and here it is. And what an update it is! Now we understand why God prompted us to pray for your boys! Now we are praising God mightily for His loving arms caring for you and your boys!!!! Thank you for your incredible witness to all who are on this journey with you!
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