Melissa Shelton|Sep 3, 2019
Nine long years have passed by and wonder what my handsome would be doing now. What college would he have been to? Would he have found the love of his life? Would he be a daddy by now? Would he be working with youth and went into ministry? I so miss your sweet hugs and those beautiful smiles you had. Save me a spot in heaven handsome, I’ll be there soon. Love you and miss you terribly.
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Krista Quinn|Sep 3, 2019
I think of you guys often... every time I find a dime I say hello to Bradley 💙

I'm glad to hear that life keeps moving forward and that your daughter is doing well. Since we lost Kori, we've adopted 2 more furbabies and they keep us busy 🤗

Take care & God Bless,
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Tyler Pierce|Sep 3, 2019
Hey Valerie, I just went by the gravesite again this weekend and it is hard to believe it has been 9 years. If it weren't for Bradley I wouldn't be the man I am today. He gave me the confidence I needed to graduate and get a beautiful and caring wife and to finally love myself. I have come a long way in the 9 years since his passing. I hope he can see me now and is proud of the journey I have made. I often wonder where he would be too. I have loved and lost, seen family pass, and watched others hurt, but I know Bradley never had to face any of that sorrow and never has to again. In a way I'm glad he didn't, but even if it may seem a little selfish, I really wish I could see where he would be today; what our lives would have been like. I'm thankful for the time I had with him, but I wish I had more just like I know you do as well. Thank you for being my second Mom during all of those times and even after. I want to see you again, I have tried to reach out a few times. I'm guessing I have the wrong number by this point. I miss you and Kate and I love you all dearly! I hope everything continues to go well and please let me know when Kate graduates. I want to be there! Hop e you all have a blessed day!
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Robin Hall|Sep 3, 2019
Valerie-I am so glad you posted an update-there has been something I’ve wanted to tell you for so long. You don’t know me-I’m just one of the countless people that followed Bradley’s journey and I’m so grateful that you shared your son and family with us . On one of your post’s, you had talked about cleaning out Bradley’s car and finding change-you had mentioned that you found a lot of dimes and you felt like it was a sign from Bradley. One day, you had posted an update and I was in the middle of something else so I was going to read it later-I went downstairs to our basement and there in the middle of the floor was a dime. I thought -this is to remind me to read Valerie’s post and so I went on. As the days passed, it was crazy-I started seeing dimes everywhere! I even said to myself-I know Bradley didn’t know me-I don’t even know his family-what could this be? So I decided that every time I saw a dime, it would be a reminder “not to sweat the small stuff”, because life is short and we must not take it for granted. My brother-in-law had mentioned before that if you fill a regular water bottle with dimes, it adds up to $100.00. My husband and I started saving dimes and believe me, I found them everywhere! I knew that I would know where the dimes would need to go at the right time so when the bottle was full, we just waited. One day on Facebook, I saw where a person that I knew through work, was working with the March of Dimes for a treatment for his daughter. He was actually doing a fundraiser for them. I knew that was where the donation needed to go. I told him the story of Bradley and how I had come to start saving the dimes. I still think of you and your family so much and I am so glad that I got to tell you this-how complete strangers were affected by your son’s story. God bless you and Happy Birthday in heaven to Bradley.
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Melinda Hobbs|Sep 3, 2019
Hi Valerie, we are thinking of you at this time. Lauren and I both talked about Bradley just a couple of days ago and shared the fond memories they had during their school days. Please know Bradley's memory lives on in those who were fortunate to know him. Our heartfelt prayers of comfort are with you and your family!
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Beth Schreiner|Sep 2, 2019 (edited)
Hi, Valerie. My name is Beth. I believe we met while our children were in the hospital. My daughter is Breanne Baudinot; she and Bradley had mutual friends, and became friends while they were receiving treatments. Bradley leaves a significant mark in this world and certainly lived his life following God’s plan. Even so, your loss is palpable and my heart goes out to you.

Caringbridge is an amazing site and I’m so thankful it was available for us to communicate with others about our child’s journey. I want you to know that you can have your caringbridge site, posts, comments, and pictures published in a personal book format. I had three copies published as some of my family wanted a copy. It’s not cheap, but I’m grateful for the option of preserving my daughter’s story in print.

May God bless you and Kaitlyn as you continue to serve Him. Bradley is an amazing person and Bre (Breanne) and I are better Christians because of his influence on us. How wonderful to know we will be together again in heaven.

With love,
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Melisa Malone|Sep 2, 2019
No one can understand your hurt unless they have personally experienced it. A mother’s loss of her child is permanent and forever. Some days are better than others. Some memories bring smiles and some days the memories bring tears and pain. My heart hurts for you every time I think of him. I can tell you that we still miss Bradley and talk about him often. I know we are to never question God, but I was very angry and often asked why Bradley? Why when he was so special? Some people change after they go through a traumatic event or sickness, but Bradley already showed these qualities and reached out to others with love, acceptance and encouragement. He made a difference in this world full of cruelty and unkindness. He made a difference for Tyler. He made a difference for Brandon and he made a difference for Todd and I. I look forward to seeing him again some day. You raised a wonderful young man and he is safe at home with Jesus. We will be there in the blink of an eye. From here it seems like eternity, but it will pass quickly. I love you Valerie, prayers for you and Kaitlyn both❤️
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Kathy Bunn|Sep 2, 2019
My sister asked for prayers for Bradley. Having been a youth counselor at my church, I have a special place for youth in my heart. After praying for Bradley, I move forward to Bradley’s celebration of life. It was one of the most moving, personal, caring, God inspiring services I’ve ever seen. I watched from my computer in NC. I experienced all emotions watching his service. I laughed, smiled, cried, and thanked God for this young man I’ve never met. I think about him when riding in an elevator when his youth counselor spoke about him (jumping up). My sister spoke fondly about Bradley and you. Prayers for you and your family. Bradley touched so many lives.
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Terrina Ensor|Sep 2, 2019
I still think of Bradley often. He really did leave an impression. Even though I only knew him for a short time, I quickly learned what he stood for & what a sweetness he had, loving others. I guess seeing him every day at radiation gave me the opportunity to see the type of person he was. So glad you posted to give an update on the family. God Bless you all!
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