Deborah Haynes|Oct 28, 2020
Dear Laura, Nicki, and Allison, Doug was such a brilliant man, and along with this brilliance, he had a good heart and he was deeply compassionate to all. I loved the twinkle in his eye as he imparted some opinion or zinger. I admired him greatly and will feel his loss forever. I am so sorry that you have lost him. George and I send you our sympathetic thoughts and prayers.
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Barb Bishop|Oct 28, 2020
So shocked and saddened by this news. We are grieving with you Laura and girls and as so many others, will miss him greatly!
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John Ludin|Oct 28, 2020
You three ladies are in my thoughts. The world has lost a special man.
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Ginny Ferre'|Oct 28, 2020
I am so saddened to hear of Doug’s passing. He fought a hard fight and is now at peace. My prayers and love go out to you Laura, Allison and Nikki. May you feel love surrounding all of you.
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Keri Hayes|Oct 28, 2020 (edited)
I worked with Doug at MSU. This is very sad. I am so sorry for your loss. And he will always be remembered as the person who made us laugh at MSU. He will surely be missed. I loved working for Doug. My prayers go out to the family during this time. This world will not be the same without Doug.
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Brian Kirtland|Oct 28, 2020
My heart breaks for the loss of Doug. He was an amazing uncle, friend and role model to me, Amy, India and Hendrix. Always kind, interested, intellectual and a jokester who could laugh at himself and at the world.

I will miss his laughter, greetings, and the many aspects that made Doug such a wonderful person.

Our thoughts are with you Laura, Nikki, Allison and Jeremy. We loved Doug and love you. Please know we are here to support you in any way possible. We send our love and thoughts as a means to comfort.
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Renee Gilpin|Oct 28, 2020
Doug left a lasting impression on me. I will always remember his smile and willingness to share to improve my life and those around him. He is my example and someone I want to keep emulating. My heart goes out to your family at this time.
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John How|Oct 28, 2020
Laura, Nikki and Allison: I remember the first time I met Doug. My wife and I had just moved to Bozeman back in 2011 and I joined the Men's Group for a meeting when we still met at Sola Cafe. He went out of his way to not only welcome me to the group, but to Bozeman and to the church community. I will always remember him for his sincere kindness, his ability to challenge our perceptions and to encourage us to think differently. However, I believe his best attribute was his bright smile and uncanny ability to brighten your day with an anecdote or pun that he had undoubtedly practiced. He left the world a better place with his actions and made a lasting imprint on me personally in my journey of faith. My sincerest sympathies and prayers to you and your extended family.
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Beth Johns|Oct 28, 2020
Dear Laura, Nikki and Allison. Ferd and I are shocked and so very saddened by this news. We loved Doug, a man so full of life and fun and adventure. His loss makes the world feel lacking. We will miss him so much. Sending you our love and prayers for comfort and strength during a time of grief.
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Mike McKenna|Oct 28, 2020
Laura, Allison and Nikki,

Kathy and I I really, really sorry to hear about Doug's passing.

Our love and prayers are with you and that we are there for you.

Doug was a true and beautiful human being & a wonderful example for all of us on how to live our life. We are grateful for him and to have been a part of his life.
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