Patricia Henaghan|Dec 30, 2020
Dear Bill,
This is one of the most profound passages you have written. When we began our journey together, I told you that there was so little we can do to help in this challenging and disheartening year that an opportunity to hold out a lifeline to someone that we all hold dear was a blessing.
Now, reading your thoughts, I see that it was even more than that. You have so eloquently described the agony that “helpers” have felt throughout these many months. No matter how many donations and prayers we offer, we can’t help feeling that we have not done enough. I guess that’s the lack of a security blanket and those contradictions...
You have helped more than you know by letting us into your world; knowing someone personally who is suffering, someone who is always otherwise on the helping hand side, has raised my empathy level to new heights.

Always in my prayers...
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