Laura Goers|Dec 16, 2016
HI Beth! It is so good to hear from you. I think about you often. You have such strength and courage. I admire you for you positive outlook. Prayerso for you and your family merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
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Maribeth and Craig|Dec 15, 2016
Hi Beth! It's so good to hear from you!. What a journey you've been on, and you're handling it all with such grace and humor. We love you to pieces. Craig and I are heading to Charleston to be with Peter for Christmas. We wish you, Phil, and the boys a beautiful and peaceful Holiday!! 🎄❤️🎄
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Kathy Kouray|Dec 15, 2016
So great to hear all this update. I can't begin to understand what you go through every day but you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Won't see you over Christmas because I'm going to warmer weather for the week. Will try to see you on my next visit if you are up for it! Love you! ❤️🙏
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Gretchen|Dec 15, 2016
Soooo glad to see this update! I keep praying for you! ❤️
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Marina|Dec 15, 2016
Beth, I think of you, Phil and the boys all the time! So glad you are doing better and I pray that each day is an improvement for you! You are such an inspiration to all and I love your sense of humor, you are so funny!! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and I'd love to see you guys some day! Please tell Phil I was asking for him!! Hugs to you!! Marina xo
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Marty Rossner|Dec 15, 2016
I was so glad to hear about you. I've been thinking about you all school year hoping everything was OK. You are an amazing lady! Happy Holiday to you all! Keep posting or write me at my school email: You deserve a BIG New Year too!
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Jessica Ramsudh|Dec 15, 2016
The Ramsudh's love you Beth!!
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Peggy|Dec 15, 2016
Hi Beth. I will take all the good news you can give. I sent you a text awhile ago and did not get a response so I wasn't sure if your number changed. I would love to hear from you. I know you have my number.
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Kevin Sheehan|Dec 15, 2016 (edited)
Glad to see a post from you Beth! Miss you, but glad to hear things are working out well for you post Key. So much has changed here, but you're right about what is truly important at the end of the day. Hope you have a happy holiday!
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