Gail Bendt|Feb 18, 2023
Tim, it was a beautiful service. Ben would be proud... Thanks to Paula and Sarah for making everything so awesome
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Kris Thomas|Feb 17, 2023
I was definitely there in spirit. I would have been there in person but too many things were stacked against the trip. Will continue to keep you all in my prayers.
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Terri Henry|Feb 17, 2023
Thank you,Tim, for taking the time to put Ben's journey into this journal. Peace and love to you and the family as you maneuver through difficult emotions, and finally get the time to properly grieve a good man that went too soon.
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Bill Adams|Feb 16, 2023
Tim, you did a great job with your timely and eloquent updates. Thankyou. I am truly sorry for the passing of Ben. Ben was truly a great guy and a wonderful person. Only learning I have Covid kept me from attending today, my apologies.
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Jim Newton|Feb 16, 2023
Thank you so much for all your efforts in keeping everyone so well informed during this trying time for your family. Peace.
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