Loree Veith|Sep 13, 2023
I don’t think I ever saw this post, over a year and a half ago. I was curious as to how Ben was doing. This is heavy and real. In some ways refreshing. I can only imagine all the additional ups and downs you have faced since. I’m drawn to your braveness in being vulnerable. I’m impressed with your ability to hold back on all the ways people have missed in trying to be “helpful”. You did an amazing job at giving a little glimpse. A painful one. I will probably never cross paths with you again but I appreciate your willingness to be vulnerable and try to explain what no one could ever understand. I pray that your intimacy with Abba and with Ben and those close is so authentic and real - unwilling to just live in platitudes but rather deeply engaging through it all.
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Sonya Graber|Jan 25, 2022
Thanks for your heartfelt post as I am in different trenches but this message encouraged me so much! Yes God has a plan and it looks different for everyone. I know God is carrying your family through it all and teaching us so much along the way! Praying for your family and Ben! Always here for you walking with you! Love ❤️ your family so much and thanks for sharing!
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Kathi Borron|Jan 23, 2022
My heart goes out to you and your family
Ben! Prayers for you and your family! May God Bless you!
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Sherry Fiscella|Jan 22, 2022
Nicole, this is so deep and so good. Thank you for sharing. You encouraged me today. I'm in Holland with you, and this week for whatever reason, I've felt the disappointment rise up again. I can't speak the language, and the wooden shoes hurt my feet, but I want to enjoy the tulips and pastries... right? I'm going to look up the poem; I think I probably need to read it. Love you, friend, and I'm praying for you today.
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Jodi Radke|Jan 22, 2022
Oh Nicole…thank you for sharing these words. Tho I can’t say I understand these words and how you must feel- I know in the future I may need too. ( I’m in the wait and watch )
I always try to remind myself- God has a plan!
Your words will help people going through this or people who will be going through this.
As always ..lean on God.
I will continue to pray for you Ben and your family.
Big hugs
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Jill Jungles|Jan 22, 2022
Thank you for sharing you heart Nicole. I can't imagine how hard it was for you to put it all out there. But, you're right...unless you have walked in the shoes, there is no true understanding of the depth of the struggle. You have been so amazing at being the rock and for giving transparency into the journey. It is hard to read, hard to fathom how you all deal on the day to day, but, refreshing to see that you haven't lost you and the fight for yourself. You are loved. You are all SO loved! You and your family are such an inspiration and I hope you know just how impactful you are. HUGE hugs and lots of love to you! <3
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jan wood|Jan 22, 2022
Oh my dear Nicole!! How true these words are!! My Mom used to say she was sick and tired of being sick and tired!! Stephanie Reasland asked folks for one word they were focusing on this year and your post reminds me of the day to day grind you are ALL experiencing!! Nope, you'll not be the same. I've learned from many folks who have lost loved ones, faced illness, endured hardships that you have to find your "new normal" for sure!! You are grieving your old life I believe. My word was CONFIDENCE in all I do. Praying for your sweet soul, Ben, and the kids!! Love and prayers!!
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Jenna Colosimo|Jan 22, 2022
I’ve been praying for your family! This was so beautifully written. Thank you for sharing ♥️
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