Diane Marama Winder|Aug 21, 2020
Kia ora greetings dear Phebe from New Zealand… What a lovely message, and hard to believe to it’s been 3 months ! Thank you for the photos… Chris’s house looks wonderful! It’s so comforting that furry Mikki is a great friend. From my own experiences and understanding of my losses, the Great Mystery, and the dance of grieving, grief doesn’t leave us, we begin to have a different relationship with it, and with our loved ones in spirit as life unfolds. I love that with all your puttying and painting, your mom Bebe has a bright smile! Please send photos of your newly freshened home if you wish. And know that you are loved with high heart and thoughts from down here. Much aroha love, always ~xo
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Lisa K|Aug 20, 2020 (edited)
I can’t believe it’s already been three months. That was very kind of you not to name names !! 🤪😂😂 Chris’ house looks beautiful! ❤️ Hugs to all of you. 🤗🤗🤗
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