Kristen Brobst|Jul 17, 2019
We are so sorry to hear this. Our hearts are sad for you all. We will continue to pray. Hugs! Clayton, Kristen, and family.
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Janis Wallender|Jul 17, 2019
Barb and family, my heart goes out to all of you. I have not been in your shoes, but I believe that you have been so courageous. I pray you strength as, with your faith, you await approval of insurance and begin the approved treatment. You will continue to be in my prayers. Janis
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Jessica Miller|Jul 17, 2019
Sending prayers of love and support, including that of fast action by insurance and for treatment options to do their job quickly👍🏼👍🏼 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 💗
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Nancy Johnson-Corbin|Jul 17, 2019
Barb saying prayers, you are in our thoughts. Hope to see you soon.
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Brooklyn Schaan|Jul 17, 2019
We lift up our prayers to you Barb and to your beautiful family. Continue to trust in God’s plan.
Love the Schaan’s
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Deb Creel|Jul 17, 2019
My heart breaks at this news for all of you. Prayers that Barb will stay strong and the insurance will approve the medications quickly and it will start working to stop the tumor and the spreading of it. May God keep you strong and hold you close thru each and every step. God Bless all of you.🙏🙏🙏❤️
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Tim Zastoupil|Jul 17, 2019
Denise and my thoughts and prays are with you Barb.... keep the positive thoughts and stay strong.
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Kayla Pressnall|Jul 17, 2019
Oh my heart hurts for all of you! Praying for you Barb and your family! You’ve proven to everyone the strength you have to fight this. May you continue to have that fight in you to overcome this big hurdle! 🙏❤️
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Joyce Bauer|Jul 17, 2019
Prayers for Barb and her family❤️
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Nikki Wixo|Jul 17, 2019
Praying hard for quick insurance turn around, that the drugs will stop the growth, and for strength for all of you over the days ahead. ❤️ ❤️❤️
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