Neil Rosen|Oct 11, 2021
Thank you for sharing your fight against cancer.You are a true hero in the cancer community. You are also quite a writer. I hope you or a family member makes a book of your writings. G-d bless you and your family.
Love Rosen family đź‘Ş
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Annette Majerowicz|Oct 11, 2021
Uncle Art,

There are no words that feel appropriate right now, but we are sending so much love and praying always for your improved health.

Annette and Mike
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Jane Beavis|Oct 11, 2021
Thank you for sharing your self so openly. I hope I am able to make use of your experience, strength, and hope. I am currently trying to help my brother as he struggles with pulmonary fibrosis and your shares give me insight to his needs as he reaches his final days . You've done so much to help many, including your lessons on ethical choices. I ask God to be gentle with you and your family in the coming days. I don't know what that might look like, but I sincerely hope you and yours find comfort. - My highest regards, Jane
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Diane Elliot|Oct 11, 2021
Dear Art, I'm awed by your generosity and courage in your spending your precious energy to write to all of us. I feel, too, how important it is and has been to you, during this time of your illness, to articulate and share your experience--an important part of your healing journey, which continues through--and even beyond, for all we know--dying. We, here, in the Bay Area are sending much love and care, bringing your name and presence into our Friday Healing Circle, week after week. Especially sending prayers now for relief from pain and discomfort and for expert, compassionate care from doctors and hospice workers. May you feel held in the weaving of love co-created by your dear family, friends and colleagues, and the mysterious presence that fills all the in-between spaces. With love and tears.
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Meredith Cahn|Oct 11, 2021
Oh, Art. Thank you for sharing your journey even at this point. Virtual hugs... Your clear-eyed--even in lack of sleep, "discomfort" and pain--analysis is overwhelming to me that you can share this. I am so heartened to hear your family is all around you--such love that you and Barbara created. And what Ruth said: may you experience blessed relief either way from your body's torments. with love...
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Cheryl Weiner|Oct 11, 2021
Art--- so much to say... most of all, I wish I were near and could do so in person... As many will say, you have been an inspiration and a role model of persevering within the realm of cancer. However, I want to thank you for a number of times that you have shared intimate details of your life and your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. It has been an honor to bear witness to your life's journey in many ways. I have been mulling over your Ethics website and have thought perhaps this could be taken over by AJRCA as an ongoing internship. I wish I could offer to do that, but I don't feel qualified. My other thought was to perhaps ask David Jaffee or separately Alan Morinis if either of their programs might be interested in continuing it. Both are Mussar based, but ethics are certainly part of that. In any case, given your fatigue and pre-occupations with the medical situation, perhaps it is time to let go of all the earthly domain. I am certainly not ready to let go of you, your journey, your sharing, and your spiritual gifts. Many blessings for the relief of symptoms of suffering; may the palliative part of Hospice begin---with comfort care! Hugging you virtually and praying for a peaceful passing whenever that may be. Regards to Barbara and your family for their constant care and cheer as well as meaningful tears.
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Miriam Van Raalte|Oct 11, 2021
It is always uplifting to read your posts, whether they are upbeat or not. You continue to inspire my path with your honesty and thoughtfulness. I pray for a refuah shleimah, with whatever shleimut you achieve. You and your family are surrounded by a loving extended village who hope to bring honor to your life by living through your teachings. Sending love.
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ruth belonsky|Oct 11, 2021
You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Thank you for honoring us with your thoughts and "should have- could haves". No responses ever necessary. May you experience blessed relief either way from your body's torments. With love...
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Bennett Blum|Oct 11, 2021
Dear Art,
I wish you relief from pain soon. And thank you again for all the years of kindness, compassion and friendship you showed. It meant, and continues to mean, a lot.

Always your friend,
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Marlene Spiegel|Oct 11, 2021
Good morning Art. Reading your words is both difficult and heart warming. It is wonderful that you have the loving support of your family and friends.
Thank you for all that you have done in your life to help others in need. Your kindness and caring has brought so much to others.
Marc and I wish you a time of pain free days ahead.
Sending you warm hugs.
Marc and Marlene
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