Clare Cizek|Jan 18, 2024
Anya - thank you for sharing your struggles, joys and courage. Your perseverance is so inspiring. Sending lotsa positive energy for healing your way.
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Ray and Patricia Michalowski|Jan 14, 2024
Anya, thank you for sharing your story and experiences you are having. You are an amazing person to admire and appreciate and tap into any and all of us whenever the fight feels heavy, we are all here for you!!
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Carolyn Murray|Jan 14, 2024
I remain in awe of your determination and willingness to share the ups AND the downs. I know you have a great support network, including your amazing mom, so continue to lean on them when you need them.
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Kathy Shipp|Jan 14, 2024
Anya, your ability to find the positive while acknowledging the significant obstacles is amazing. You are a gift to us all. May you feel the love from your many friends as you work through your next challenge. ❤️
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Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin|Jan 13, 2024
Wow, Anya! You are an incredible inspiration! I am not surprised, as we have known your grandma for many years! I love reading about the amazing things you have done despite the many obstacles you have encountered.. You light up the world - no exaggeration!!
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