CarolJane Koutz|Dec 4, 2022
Praying God will continue to bless you with the strength, courage and positive attitude. Not easy without Him. Bud is in my prayers also as I know he is that positive support you need. You amaze me with your strength and faith and I thank God for the example you set for all of us. Hugs and prayers
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Louise Hillery|Dec 4, 2022
The way you and Bud are dealing with these challenges is an inspiration. Your presence is always a blessing, and I'm holding good thoughts for your health and comfort.
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Cindy Stuckey|Dec 4, 2022
Ann, I am so fortunate that I got to know you through UUCCI. Your beautiful spirit continues to show through your postings. Blessings to you & Bud.
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Phil Amerson|Dec 4, 2022
Ah, Ann, Elaine and I send our love. Save up some humor and joy for the holidays and far beyond.
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Bob Gustin|Dec 4, 2022
Ann: You and Bud remain in our thoughts. (Chris and Bob Gustin)
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Connie Marbach|Dec 4, 2022
How lucky I feel to have gotten to know you two in our special chalice group! Your quick wits & humor keep you laughing (as you mentioned) every day! And make for joyful times when we're together. Can think of no inclusive adjective to describe you as a couple. The stars were aligned . . .
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Mary Sue McGinn|Dec 4, 2022
I'm so sorry that the words I just read are not what I hoped to see BUT I have to be joyful for your fighting spirit, seeing your dear smile in all of your posted pictures and above all your STRONG FAITH that you have shown throughout this long journey and battle. God has a plan for all of us from the day we are born and our desire as, His children, is to follow His teachings, obey His word and trust in His everlasting love for us. I will be praying for you in these upcoming months. May you find peace and understanding and feel the Love of Jesus deep within your heart. Many friends, family & classmates will be lifting you in prayer. Keep your beautiful smile and be strong .
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Julie Wagner|Dec 4, 2022
Ann - thinking of you and Bud as you face whatever comes next. You have been an inspiration to many, myself included! Wishing you love and peace.
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Michael Storms|Dec 4, 2022
Ann was without a doubt the best girl friend (as opposed to girlfriend) I had in HS. From cutting class one day for a trip into town to enjoying moments in church. She even put up with a prom date for me. She is forever a huge positive influence in my high school memories. Fight the good fight Ann! Stay strong and battle on.
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Sondra Bolte|Dec 3, 2022
Ann, it was a strange day today, having the holiday market, and not seeing your smiling self running around. It was a great success and the credit goes to you for making it what it is today. You were missed and we love you so. I hope to be a part of your ordinary special days in the near future. Loads of love to you and Bud.
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