Lorraine Altman|Oct 30, 2018
The best of news Anita.....saw you on Sunday and you looked wonderful, except for a a little fatigue which is more than understandable....as Gil said, you took the knee surgery as one more 'challenge' that needed to be overcome.....and so you have done it again.....by the way......I think the Marathon is this Sunday.....Love....L
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Nancy K Kaufman|Oct 29, 2018
Go anita!! Yiu are an inspiration!!
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Nancy K Kaufman|Oct 29, 2018
Go anita!! You are an inspiration!
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Connie Gruber|Oct 29, 2018
I also had bi-lateral knee replacements. That determination pays off in strong healing.
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Shachna Rosen|Oct 29, 2018
Thanks Gil for keeping us up to date . . . and of course, for being there for Anita.
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