Jackie Witter|May 28, 2019
Dear Andi and Jerry,
I am so saddened to learn of your diagnosis, Andi. In the midst of the sorrow and pain, I am praying that your deep faith will strengthen you and give you comfort. I know that our loving God is with you in a special way, holding you both close in love. You have known that tender love in the love you two have shared these past 42 years, and in your beautiful family. Thank you for the powerful witness of God's love you have given to so many. May you now know the power of God's love in the care, concern and support you are receiving from your family and many, many friends. I am holding you in prayer, asking for God's richest blessings of love and peace. Thank God for you both!
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Kathi Piquette|May 28, 2019
All my love Andi.
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Linda Graetz|May 28, 2019
You are the most amazing Shepard in my life. No matter my news ( I am sure I shared to much being a cop) you encouraged and talked me into keep teaching. I have a wonderful connection with church and God because of your faith in me. Teaching 6th grade by myself this year was made possible by you saying you can handle it, I know you will do well. Andi I am always praying for you and your journey. If you want to pop back into Von Maur so I can sneak up on you in uniform again that would be fun!
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jeffrie hesse|May 28, 2019
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
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Molly Schroeder|May 27, 2019
Andi, it's Molly Schoff. Remember me from religious ed?! My heart goes out to you and your family. I teach 2nd grade in a Catholic school. Thanks for encouraging me as a volunteer teacher in your program. My class will pray for you and yours. You have had a hand in so many people's faith journey. You have done such fine work serving your Father. I pray he looks upon you favorably whatever his plan is. This is so hard to understand.
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Tina Keller|May 27, 2019 (edited)
Oh Andi... been thinking about your latest post for quite some time now and just cannot believe that someone so filled to the brim with doing what Jesus would do, has to leave her wonderful job spreading His word. He must have the greatest of plans for you. I take solace knowing you are at peace and that you will be pain free when it is your time to be with Him in the heavens.

I will miss (and have missed) you coming to lunch and being apologetic for not ordering your meal choice beforehand. You always knew we’d give you whatever you wanted regardless.
Also, you reminded me so much of Annette Bening from one of my favorite movies, “ The American President.” I always had a hankerin to watch it after you would come around. Lastly, VBS. I remember Olivia’s first year attending and it was the last day where the parents could watch the singing and dancing. Well...instead of watching my precious, little soon-to-be 1st grader, I confess, I was watching you. Your back was to the parents so you could lead the kids in song and dance. You were so heavily into it and giving everything you had to lead and worship with all your heart. In some songs, (namely “Pharaoh, Pharaoh”) you were literally shaking your booty and it was soooo joyous. Yes, I was watching you and smiling from ear to ear. Luckily, I videoed it so I could actually watch my daughter (and you) over and over again.
I know you have done a lot of reflection over these last 6 months. I know you have to be pleased with all that you have accomplished and how many lives you have touched. Please know that we all love you tremendously and that Little’s Legacy will live on in every single person that you have graced with your presence.

💜 Tina Keller (lunch lady)
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Carla Staniforth|May 26, 2019
Andi, you and your family are in my prayers. Your devotion to help, educate and inspire adults and children is a Blessing. You have touched many lives. I wish for your journey to help others and teach them to continue to grow.
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Gianna Bonello|May 26, 2019
Dear Andi,

We are so sorry to hear more terrible news. We wanted to come and see you but thought you might not be up to it. We are praying for you. You are a true walking disciple of Christ. I pray now is not the time, but Heaven will be gaining a wonderful soul and I imagine how wonderful that will be pain-free.

God Bless you Andi you have always been a joy to us. We were always thrilled to work alongside you.

Peace and LOVE always!!

Jeff, Liz, Gianna
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Carol Anderson|May 26, 2019
Reading through your battle and as always in awe of your spiritual strength. As I look outside it is finally spring and the beauty of new life and God’s creation fills me with gratitude for my eyesight and sense of smell, as the lilacs are blooming. I am hoping you are enjoying these things as well. I continue to pray for you and your family but there are tears as well and wish so very much that I could lighten your burden. I pray for the Lord to Bless you and wrap you in his loving embrace providing strength and comfort as you continue your battle. Know how very much you are loved by all whose lives you have touched.
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Becky Schoff|May 25, 2019
Dear Andi, Reading your latest post, my heart is heavy for what you are going through. You have been so good for St. Johns for so many years. You've truly been like Christ, especially to SJB youth. I pray that God's grace and peace will accompany you
each day forward. I pray for strength for Jerry and your sons, that they will grow closer to God in caring for you. I feel so lucky to know you as an example of selfless love for the Church. With great Christian affection, Becky Schoff
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