Missy Scudder|Apr 30, 2024
Ahh Jake, you are STRONG just like Amy. You her caregiver have loved and supported her for 6 months. You've loved her for 18 yrs so well. Thank you for that. I love you and appreciate you so much. Hoping to see you soon.
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Jenny Kim|Apr 30, 2024
Thank you for sharing this journey with us. Praying along with you ❤️ miss you both!
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Christi Stockhaus|Apr 30, 2024
I love that description of strength! Thank you for keeping us updated- praying for you both and for the kids and will be especially praying for your time at UCSF next week.
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Marilyn Noonan|Apr 30, 2024
Dear Amy and Jake,

We've also not met but your Dave is like family to our family, so we are sort of related by association. :)

I've been reading every post, praying so many prayers, trying to send healing vibes through the ether... and sending many prayers of thanks for the tremendous love you two share. Not many of us would be as blessed with this love in 100 lifetimes... so I hope knowing how much better you make each other's lives brings you peace. What more can we do in our lives but help each other through?
You are inspirations to me and all who know you by association and those who are fortunate enough to actually know you.
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Julie Clarke|Apr 30, 2024
Thank you Jake for this update - you two are amazing writers through this hard journey together! Amy and I went to Leland together and it's fun to stay connected through the years over social media or running into each other at Costco. You and your family remain in my prayers as you work through everything day by day.

Isaiah 41:10: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

xoxox - Julie
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Dina Ferguson|Apr 30, 2024
Beautifully said. Stay strong.
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Avi Shai|Apr 30, 2024
It's amazing and inspiring to see and hear how strong Amy and you all are.
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