Edie Davis|Apr 8, 2022
I will miss her posts. When I was diagnosed with lymphedema she was the first person I found. She helped me with her daily positivity.
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Rachel Tagliareni|Apr 6, 2022
Still trying to process that you're not here... you're just so damn fun. And funny. And real. And it seems like you're gone too soon. You are the kind of person who should live to 100.
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Robin Banks|Apr 6, 2022
I have so many memories of Allie. I feel so blessed to have been her friend. She lit up my life from the get-go - we all know she was something truly special. I have to say, some of my favorite memories of her are from are those years when we'd aggressively stake out our spots in the pre-school registration line. We'd get there SO EARLY. With chairs! We were extremely proud of ourselves when we'd get 1st and 2nd positions in line.

Allie, my Comforter has you in His arms right now. He's seen it to be in your best interest to take you home. I'm forever grateful for the time I had with you, and I cry now only at the complete unfairness of cancer. I love you so much, and I'll miss you until we can meet again!
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Christina Freeman|Apr 5, 2022
I have no words to describe this wonderful woman. I met her through my son who met her son on the bus. I only wish I could have known her longer. Her kindness and thoughtfulness have blessed my life. I can only hope to be more like her and my heart breaks for her family.

I am glad I still get to see her spirit by having her son in my life. You are surly missed. This world just lost a beautiful soul.
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Sabrina Egli|Apr 5, 2022
In the words of Michael Scott, “well, this is gonna hurt like a mother”
Sweet Allie, you lit up every room you walked into, made everyone feel welcome with your smile, and then had people laughing with your quick wit and tv quotes.

I first met Allie when she was a preschool parent waiting for the doors to open. I didn’t know her, but she always had a big smile and struck up conversation as I went to unlock the doors. A couple years later, I was feeling overwhelmed in ministry and there was Allie. She’d come in a couple times a week, serving selflessly, helping me with ridiculous tasks, organizing, and brainstorming. Those were my favorite days. We’d get a ton of work done, but we’d also spend the whole time talking, sharing stories.
I loved hearing her talk about her kids. She had this way of seeing them for who God made them to be that was so discerning and admirable. And then she’d talk about Ryan (and anytime we talked about our spouses we would awkwardly clarify, “well, my Ryan”). She had so many girlfriends she loved but he was definitely her best friend. Though every now and then I’d get a text from her saying “ugh, I said *office quote* but Ryan didn’t catch it…”😂😂😂
Allie I will forever admire the way you walked through life with joy and grace and always cared more about other people than your own problems, no matter how big they were. You are SO loved and will forever be missed.
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Luana Nery|Apr 5, 2022
Oh, sweet Allie. You are with Jesus now. You were so fierce in every way. Fiercely loving your husband, children, family, friends and church. Fiercely serving the Lord in so many ways. Fiercely fighting off the stupid cancer for as long as you could. You were the warmest greeter, the best hostess in your beautiful home, the most caring children's church leader and an example of a strong woman leader in settings that often do not give women space to be strong leaders. I will remember you always. My condolences to the family.
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Jake Lee|Apr 4, 2022
I knew Allie as the mom of Amelia who I taught at Spring Mountain last year in distance learning. Amelia/Mia was such a kind hearted soul and dedicated learner supported by her amazing parents and family. Allie sent many supportive messages to me throughout our CDL year which really helped boost my moral in such a challenging year. Mia and I both moved to Scouters Mountain this year which was so special because I still get to see her most days. I know Allie’s light and love will live on through her beautiful children who will have the support of a whole school community behind them. Sending so much love to Peter, Mia, and Ryan.
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Julie Johnson|Apr 4, 2022
Allie was one of my youth leaders. She was so genuine, kind, thoughtful, and loving. She truly demonstrated a servant’s heart, with a peaceful presence that made you feel like you belonged and were important. When I think of her, I know what it means to truly be loved by God. I remember getting ready for 8th grade graduation and she took me to the mall to find a dress-she was so willing to take the time to invest and be intentional spiritually and naturally. I was truly blessed and enriched by her life. She greatly impacted me and I’m better for it. She will truly be missed this side of heaven, but, I know I will get to see her again. Much love, comfort, provision, and peace to the family.
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Amy Salsbery|Apr 4, 2022
I remember first noticing Allie at Sunnyside because of her smile and warm presence. I came to her house for Marissa’s baby shower and she was the hostess with the mostest! The food and decor was amazing but more than that she made me feel welcomed in a group I didn’t know many people. I’ve followed her story online since and prayed for her and will continue to pray for her family. I am so deeply sorry for your loss!
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Curtis Long|Apr 4, 2022
We are heartbroken here at Scouters Mountain Elementary to know that two of our shining star students, Peter and Mia, have lost their mother. We love the Callahan family and will be here to support the kids when they are ready to return to school. Allie was such a strong supporter of her kids' teachers and we're lucky she was a part of our community. Much love to the Callahans during this difficult time. ~Curtis Long, Principal
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