Linden Winterberger|May 22, 2021
🌈 ❤️ 😓🤟🏽
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Joan Kosloff|May 21, 2021
My sad heart reaches out to Adrain, Carl and Julie and all your families and to the women loves in Alix's life. We embrace all of you with our love and empathy ❤
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Sandy Covahey|May 21, 2021
Such a lovely remembrance of Alix's life. One way we can honor Alix is by singing, humming, being silly, telling jokes, sharing our stories, as many have done here, sharing her music with young lesbians and expressing in any way we can the lesbian joy of loving women. Lesbian, lesbian, lesbian, lesbian, lesbian, lesbian, lesbian, lesbian, lesbian...
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Marcie Gallo|May 21, 2021
Beautiful, like Alix
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Betty Aubut|May 21, 2021 (edited)
Imagine living a life where hundreds of thousands of lives were forever changed just because you were being you. What a life. Alix made the world a little bit easier for all wimmin needing to feel safe coming out. She birthed many of us. My best to Adrian, who she adored, and the rest of her family and close friends.
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bahira sugarman|May 20, 2021
This is an exquisite tribute. Heartfelt condolences to Alix’s beloveds - family, friends, indeed to the many lives she touched. May she reach the highest possible evolution under the Wings of the Shechinah. And may all memories of her become blessings.
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Charlotte Ellis|May 20, 2021
My condolences to Alix’s family and friends. I’ve loved her music for years and it was wonderful to meet and get to know her at OLOC gatherings. She will be missed tremendously.
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Linda GloverBingert|May 20, 2021
Alice will be missed. The icon of lesbian music. She was a kind loving woman. Her concerts were wonderful. I will hold on to those beautiful memories
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Yahara Katzeff|May 20, 2021
For Women who'd like to say Kaddish for Dykon XXAlix

Topic: XX Alix Kaddish
Time: May 20, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 764 5510 8263
Passcode: Lesbian

Kaddish will be shared and any other words, feminist poems, songs in our 40 minutes.

Alix's memory is a Revolution.
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Sheryl Kaplan|May 20, 2021
Visualizing a humongous group hug for all of us in the Lesbian community who are affected by Alix's loss and are grieving and crying now, while also celebrating her life, her joy, and her love.
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