Christine Bender|Jul 24, 2018
Your gratitude summary reveals to me a most beautiful presence of God in this world. Your appreciation on the path to eternity is indeed inspiring. It shows me the sanctity of a full heart that is at the same time aching. God bless you and Al and your family.
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Thomas Benson|Jul 20, 2018
I feel fortunate to have known Al, worked with him and shared some common experiences, such as seeing the beauty of Glacier NP. He has inspired me to return there (it will have to again include some horseback riding) and also visit Waterton Lakes NP. His professionalism and diligence at work was always cloaked in appreciation of his work and those he worked with. I'm sorry to hear of his passing, but happy for the full life he lived. God bless Al and his family.
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Elizabeth Orth|Jul 20, 2018
Thank you Lois and Matt for sharing Al’s last days with us, I know it must be difficult to put words to such emotional experiences. We’ll miss Al, so bright and outspoken, always challenging conversations!
Our thoughts and prayers now are for you and Julie. Liz and Jim
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Len Dams|Jul 20, 2018 (edited)
It's a time for us to reflect that we no longer have our good friend with us to share stories and good times any longer on this earth. But, Al will always be in our thoughts and hearts. It's more importantly a time to celebrate that he has been reborn and now sits at the Lord's table each day . With no pain of this world. Al has not left us forever, but has just gone on a bit ahead of us all to make ready to reunite with us all once again in Paradise to praise our Lord and once again share stories and the best of times for eternity. (It is truly an honor to know you and call you my friend Al. God bless you and your wonderful family)
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Mary Marciniak|Jul 19, 2018
Thank you for sharing Lois. So much for all of us to be grateful for. Tim and I are grateful we knew Al and had the chance to experience his wisdom, kindness, sensitivity and wonderful sense of humor. You, Matt and Julie gave him a great gift in caring for him these last weeks. God bless all of you.
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Joyce Stelzer|Jul 19, 2018
What a wonderful like and so many memories to be thankful for. You were blessed. And I am sure he is looking down on you and the family.
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Dianne Posanski|Jul 19, 2018
Al was a wonderful man. I don't know exactly what to say. We wish you comfort and peace.
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Joan plato|Jul 19, 2018
What beautiful memories and time spent together. So glad your family could all be there together during Al's final days.
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Diane Harvey|Jul 19, 2018
Beautifully expressed, Lois -- and a powerful reminder that we all have so much for which to be thankful. Your family's tender care, loving presence and sensitivity to Al's needs was a tremendous gift to him, and you will continue in our thoughts and prayers.
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