Becky Rice|Jun 21, 2019
You and your family are in my thoughts. You are a strong positive woman who I have no doubt will fight this.
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Julie Moorhead|Jun 21, 2019
Julie there are cures and there are miracles. You deserve both. You have spread so much love and joy across the nation like a doggy Johnny Appleseed. I start every day with laughter because of your gifts. Me and Dirk and Mesa and Molly are forming your eastern chain of defense with love and prayers.
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Barb Schwab|Jun 21, 2019
Julie words escape me but you know I am a prayer warrior and that I can and will do. I am so very sorry that this has raised it its ugly head and that you have to fight again. I wish I lived close by to be in the trenches with you, I am sad that I am not as I would love to be bringing meals and cleaning puppy pens and and playing with your kids and just being there! I am weeping as I type. I love you my friend! Now go kick cancers ass!
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Carol Childers|Jun 21, 2019
I am so sorry what you are going through and I will pray for you. Even though we got a “no cancer” verdict tonight it rears it’s ugly head by the damage it has done and leaves in its wake. There is never a time when you can trust it and let your guard down. It causes damage that may never be whole again. We have to Change plans for a trip of a lifetime to celebrate 50 years married because of its stupidity! Cary will instead have to go under the knife to try to repair the damage! Fight for all you are worth!
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Andy Hanks|Jun 21, 2019
Julie, I am just sick to my stomach and was immediately taken back to the day you told me about your cancer 5 years ago. I was on a flight to Seattle crying and called you when I landed. Now I am crying thinking about how unfair this bitch is! My heart aches for you and your family having to go through this again. I don’t know if there is anything to do but pray for healing, comfort, peace, and grace for you all, wisdom for your Caregives and Love from all your friends. I know you will fight and I know there are really good immunotherapy drugs that were not available 5 years ago. I would love to give you a hug, so give yourself one from Cheryl and I. We will be praying for you! Kick this bitch out again!
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Kristi Peterson|Jun 21, 2019
Heavenly Father,
Be with Julie and her family in this scary and uncertain time. Bring them together to make memories and surround them with your love and the love of the people around them.
Heal Julie’s body Lord. Snuff out the cancer cells for good. Give wisdom to her doctors as they plan her treatment and bring wisdom to those working towards a cure.
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Tera James|Jun 21, 2019
Prayers every damn day that you fight this. We all hold you and your family in our arms and hearts. Love you sweet friend.
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Kathy Waggener|Jun 21, 2019
Praying hard for you and your family. Sending you love and powerful, healing energy.
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Kim Darden|Jun 21, 2019
I’m here nuts and bolts to holding your hand my friend. Love you.
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Jessica Johnston|Jun 21, 2019
What an amazing community of people who Love you, support you and are praying for you! Love you my friend ❤️
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