stephanie|Jun 30, 2016
No one can or ever will make this pain go away. No parent ever imagines putting their child to rest. Reading this just tore me to pieces as I cant even imagine what your going through. Adrian touched many and in ways no one else ever will. Keep your head up as high as you can for Perry and the boys. They are all you have an all they have to keep each other going on a daily basis. Love you!
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rachael|Mar 15, 2016
love you chrissy. im in tears reading your feelings from within. i cant take your pain away, i cant make it easier, all i can do is reach out and try to be there. we all love you and want to see the best for you and your family. i remember this tiny little boy who has been an angel from birth. he has his wings and is always with you. you will feel him in the wind, you will see him in the sun and moon, you will feel him in the rain and he will always be in your heart.
i love you. always.
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