Vicki Lang

First post: Dec 23, 2011 Latest post: Aug 27, 2021
Vicki is an adventurous, fun, loving, wacky and wild spirit!  Vicki always likes an adventure and was traveling and spending time with family and friends this past year! 

In 2011 Vicki was diagnosed with stage I anal cancer on December 23rd.  She was treated for this with chemo, radiation, and surgery.  She came through the process and found rainbows on the other side.  She has had clean biopsies since.  In January 2019 though, her white blood cell count was down and her red blood cell count was high.  This was a red flag and the doctor had an additional blood draw completed the following week.  This showed an even lower white blood cell count and Vicki was told to be very careful to not expose herself to anyone that has any type of virus or bacteria.  She was told she was neutropenic with an unknown cause.  They were going to determine that cause with a bone marrow biopsy.  The results of the bone marrow biopsy were not news anyone wants to here.  She was diagnosed with very  high risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS ), a type of blood cancer. 

Please pray for Vicki, her body, mind and spirit!!   She will start chemo Thursday, February 28th, 2019.  Please lavish her with love and kindness through snail mail and email and texts/calls.  