Trina Taylor trinamaxinesjourney

First post: Dec 30, 2019 Latest post: Mar 5, 2020
I went in for a routine mammogram in early November.  I was called back for additional imaging mid November.  I then needed a biopsy to see what weird cells were present.  On 12/4/19 I heard 5 words that would change my life FOREVER. You have Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma which in laymen's terms mean you have a form a breast cancer.  It is the most common form of breast cancer but nonetheless, I was in pure shock.  No-one in my family has had it and I hadn't been anywhere near a radioactive plant to my knowledge. So it was just one of those craZy things that happens to people with no warning.  I felt like I was in a movie when the lady was explaining it to me.  I could hardly hear her and I was more focused on things like "look at her eye lashes and her eye color is really blue" rather than the important information that was spewing out of her mouth.  I hadn't told many people that I was having the biopsy because I really didn't THINK I had anything to worry about but CLEARLY I was wrong.  I was lucky enough to have my cousin Jackie on the phone with me taking notes and asking questions because I was honestly not focused at all.  I don't even remember half the shit she said.  Anyways, I left there feeling weird. Just nervous and anxious and in shock! Since then I have had an MRI, CAT Scan, Genetic testing and an echocardiogram and had a chemo port placed in my chest.  I feel like that's a lot but I know it's nothing compared to what I have to endure. I have tried to keep a pretty positive attitude, but I have my days.  I have no idea really of what to expect in the days, weeks and months to come but I do know I have a great support system and tons of friends and family to keep my blessed up in prayer and sending positive vibes.  I will NEED ALL OF THAT.
Please remember that if I don't respond at all or much later than anticipated that is not personal. I just sometimes don't feel like talking or rehashing something. I am going to try and post on here as much as possible as well so everyone can see what I have going on.  I am scheduled to start Chemotherapy on 1/2/20 for 8 cycles.  A cycle is once every two weeks.  The goal is for that to have me completely cancer free before they do surgery for the double mastectomy which is what I am planning on doing. I appreciate everyone's ongoing support throughout this journey I am on.  I have no idea how much work will miss but my chemo infusions last 3 hours every other week and then the booster shot of white blood cells happens the day after every infusion.  That shot can knock me on my ass for a couple days but we will see how I react to it. Then when chemo is done I will schedule my mastectomy surgery and I have no idea what the recovery time will be for that. I guess I am ready as I'll every be to kick cancer's ass!!!!