Tim Busch

First post: May 11, 2021 Latest post: May 20, 2021
Tim fell ill after turkey hunting over the weekend of May 1st. Not exactly sure what was going on and not improving after trying to recover at home, Tim was admitted to the hospital on May 4th. The doctors discovered that he developed a staph infection that was growing on one of his heart valves. The infection then broke off from the heart valve and spread through his blood to the rest of his body. These infection clusters became especially detrimental once they reached Tim's brain causing him to have a small stroke. The doctors immediately started giving antibiotics and sent Tim to the ICU for close monitoring. The plan originally was to transfer Tim to the hospital in Madison to have heart surgery to replace the damaged heart valve. However, before he could be transferred anywhere, Tim unfortunately had multiple more strokes causing him to become too high risk for open-heart surgery. While the antibiotics have helped, it has not solved the root problem of Tim needing a new heart valve. Without being able to move forward with surgery to remove the damaged valve, Tim's body cannot recover from the infection. The last few strokes have also caused Tim to rapidly decline and become less and less responsive. 

Thankfully, all of Tim's children were able to travel home to Wisconsin and be with Dad on May 7th, Tim's last day of being responsive, so he knew all of his family was with him. Now since Saturday, May 8th, Tim is no longer responding and his family made the difficult decision to only do comfort cares. Tim is now resting comfortably surrounded by his family and so many of his friends and loved ones. Every day we pray for a miracle while also trusting in the Lord and his plan no matter the outcome. 

The Busch family appreciates your prayers and support and this site will be updated as there is more information to share.