Miles Tetrault Tetrault Family

First post: Jun 22, 2021 Latest post: Aug 26, 2021

On May 28th my sweet sister and brother in law received the heart wrenching news that their 4th child screened positive for Trisomy 18, Edwards Syndrome, on a free cell DNA test. This same day they also learned they were having a boy. His name is Miles Matthew. Most children with this condition are either stillborn or pass within a few hours to 15 days after birth or are miscarried so early on the condition is never identified. About 5-10% live beyond the first year but not without significant medical intervention and countless surgeries. Most that do survive are never able to sit-up, verbally communicate, and have the mental aptitude of a 6 month old for the rest of their lives. There are some that do overcome these obstacles, but they are miracles and anomalies. We hope you can join us in lifting the Tetrault family up and surrounding them with love and peace through this incredibly painful time. 