Melody Byl teambylpartdeux

First post: Nov 2, 2017 Latest post: Dec 4, 2017
Welcome to my page.  I am a wife, mom, sister, daughter, aunt a friend and a child of God. I want to start off by saying that this is my 2nd care page that I have created. That is why my care page is #2.  My mother inlaw  was diagnosed with metastatic state 4 breast cancer in October 2014. I created a  page for our family to get updates in regards to her care.  She lost her battle October 2016. I know for a fact that even though Claire is in heaven watching down on us, it was put into my head to get a yearly mammogram in September which I was actually 2 years late. I thought to myself, I am a hypocrite.  I preach about getting mammograms and I don't get one myself?? Shame on me!!
September 21, I go in for a mammogram. I also would like to point out how convenient it was for our clinic to have mammograms appointments all day into the evening and you don't have to be referred by your Dr.  EASY PEASY!! October 2nd I get a call stating there was some calcification in my right breast & should have another mammogram. I didn't think anything of it.  I had another mammogram on 10/9.  After the mammogram, I thought I could leave but nope.  A radiologist and a nurse navigator comes in. It's never a good sign when they come in pairs.  The radiologist thinks I should have a biopsy in an area of my breast. He was not comfortable how it looked. I heard biopsy and thought oh crap. Called Scott to come down to the hospital so the nurse navigator can go over what to expect. She went over the procedure and the procedure couldn't be scheduled until 10/26. 3 weeks away!!! Are you serious?? But yes, it was scheduled. 10/26 came and the biopsy was performed. The dr was only able to get 1 specimen of my breast tissue when he wanted 5 but for some reason, I started to bleed pretty good!! A lot actually.    After I got patched up, the radiologist came in to talk to Scott and I about how cancer was very unlikely.  He wasn't even sure if he got anything to be sent to the pathologist so i may have to come back. I saw my right breast throbbing, looked like a truck tire backed over and I said nope!! I thought I would just get another mammo in a few months. The radiologist said it does not look like  cancer, go home and relax. That is what we did. I completely forgot about the biopsy except seeing my breast black & blue & green swollen boob falling out of my bra until my primary dr called me  10/31 & started talking in dr talk, about this and that. I heard. blablaba sarcoma blablablabla situ blababla cancer cells, surgery. I really didn't understand a whole lot what he was saying except expect a phone call from the nurse navigator and consultation for surgery. Surgery on what?? invisible cancer cells that we can't see but this machine can see? I felt like this little tiny person in this entire huge world full of choices of how and what we are going to do. 
I know how it feels to be on the other end of he news. Being told my mother inlaw has cancer & it is returned & then my mom telling me she has cancer. That is never easy to hear and I am finding out that it is just as hard to tell your loved ones that cancer is found your door. It was very hard telling our kids. Like any mother,  I live for my kids. They give me the reason to wake up every morning and do what I do!! 

I created this page to give everyone updates as they become known.  Right now we are meeting with a surgeon tomorrow 11/2  at 4:15 pm. 

Scott and I are getting messaged a lot asking how we are doing. Quite honestly we are still in shock. I am angry because I am finally loving what I a doing but may have to take some time off of work depending on what type of surgery I may have. 

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