Shelly Graf Shelly Graf

First post: Jun 13, 2018 Latest post: Sep 19, 2018

On April 26th our beloved and sassy friend Shelly White Graf went in for a routine mammogram. At that time a recommendation was made to have an ultrasound on May 8th.

A 4mm spot was detected and she was advised to wait 6 months and then have another ultrasound completed. With her family history and a gut feeling, she went to Ellis Fischel on May 22nd. They conducted their own ultrasound and recommended a biopsy.

The biopsy was done last Wednesday, June 6th. Last Friday, she got the call. Shelly has a Grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma (most common type of Breast Cancer). At this point, she is waiting on the other markers and will have a MRI on Wednesday of this week with a follow up next Tuesday with the surgeon to discuss a plan.

In talking to her, there is so much I could write, but I want to say this: She is a woman of faith and not one of fear. She believes that God is in control of this situation and that he has been writing the chapters in her book for a long time now. She doesn’t believe that all of the events leading up to this have been a coincidence. As the president of Cancer Perks, she has helped volunteer and been in the trenches with others going through this for over a year now. Therefore, she will walk by faith, even when she cannot see. 

As her friends, her family, her tribe, we will forever be grateful that she trusted that voice that chose to get a second opinion. Early detection saves lives and this is early detection! We are asking you to pray her through this and love her through this! She is strong and cancer doesn’t stand a chance. Time to rise up, again!

#FightLikeAMom #ShellyStrong