Sam Bixler

Sam Bixler is 29 years old and lives in Cambridge MA.  He teaches AP Comparative Government at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School.  He also is obtaining his Masters Degree at Boston University.  

In the early morning of Saturday, January 13th Sam Bixler was struck by a car as he was walking home in Cambridge, MA. He suffered a severe traumatic brain injury and was immediately rushed to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston where he was sedated, intubated, and monitored in the Neuro ICU. The next night his brain pressure exceeded safe levels, so he was taken to emergency surgery to remove a portion of his skull to relieve pressure in his skull from his swollen brain. Thankfully, the surgery was successful and Sam’s brain pressure was controllable to safe levels.  Although his brain pressure is now under control he has developed other critical conditions.  His lungs are at very low capacity due to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and pneumonia.  This required him to have another surgery on January 24th called ECMO, which oxygenates the blood by running Sam’s blood through a special machine outside the body.

As of January 27th, Sam remains in extremely critical condition and is in a coma.  It is impossible at this point to determine his recovery path and impact this will have on his life. We have seen some progress, and he has the benefit of youth, a strong body, and excellent medical team. Perhaps his Luckily, there have been some promising signs in the last few days and his family, girlfriend, and friends are remaining hopeful. No matter the outcome, Sam has a long road ahead of him. Unfortunately, there are many unforeseen expenses that will be forthcoming for Sam and his loved ones. These include hospital and rehabilitation expenses, living expenses, airfare for family to come to Boston to care for him, and other expenses to ensure his recovery and hopeful return to home. 


Sam has received a rallying cry of support from around the country (and the world!) and it is so clear how loved he is by everyone that has ever met him. Anyone who’s ever met Sam can tell you he is one of the strongest and most positive people they have ever encountered. It is evident when you see him with his friends and family and with his students that he has always worked tirelessly to serve. Sam is a friend to all, an amazing support to all those in his life, and a tireless fighter. If there was ever a person that could surmount this tremendous obstacle, it’s Sam. Please keep sending your positive energy and vibes to Sam. We truly think he feels the love coming at him from all corners of the world.

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