Rosanne Gold RoRoGold

First post: Oct 19, 2021 Latest post: Feb 20, 2024
On Tuesday October 12th Rosanne went in to have a biopsy and what we thought was a benign tumor in her knee removed . The surgeon and a pathologist did the biopsy and couldn’t go any further. They both agreed it looked cancerous and had to wait on the  complete results of the biopsy. To say we were shaken and scared is an understatement but maybe a mistake was made and we anxiously awaited the results of the biopsy. On October 14th our worst fears were confirmed. Her biopsy came back positive and she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) of her tibia. Shocked, scared, mad, confused, devastated, heartbroken I could go on and on. It’s one of those things that you hear about daily but you can’t really comprehend the gravity until it’s starring you in the face crying and it becomes all too real. To put into perspective how rare this is, there are about 500 cases of  osteosarcoma diagnosed each year and of those most are children. Upon doing some research her outlook looks good there are some very effective treatment plans and we live about an hour from 2 of the leading osteosarcoma cancer treatment facilities.  We are very early in the process but the outpouring of love and support has been  incredible and we are so grateful to all our friends and family. We will need that continued support over the Long haul. RoRo is a damn fighter and she has such a positive attitude. There’s no doubt in my mind that she is going to come out on the other side of this. All we ask of you guys is continued positive thoughts and prayers. I promise to keep everyone updated as we know things, however the point of the caring bridge is to take a little pressure off of RoRo so she isn’t constantly answering texts and calls and can focus on her treatment and getting better. That in no way means stop reaching out but as far as her treatments, progress and updates come here. Thanks again for everything , we love you guys! 