Randy Smith

First post: Sep 3, 2021 Latest post: Sep 4, 2021
Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. This is a trying time for the family as we navigate caring for Randy in critical condition so we ask with all sincerity that you do not engage with the family regarding medical history or vaccination.  We appreciate your support, prayers and words of hope and encouragement.

Randy started feeling sick in the beginning of August so he went to see his doctor who heard roughness in his lungs, an indicator of pneumonia.  Randy went home and tried to relax but  started experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and got a COVID-19 test a few days after seeing the doctor. His test came back positive so he went up to the family cabin to isolate and to heal. Tina also tested Positive and began her isolation and healing process.  On Aug 7th, Randy was experiencing shortness of breath and fatigue so he called Tina and asked her to pick him up from the cabin in WI and bring him to the hospital in Maple Grove, MN. 

Randy was admitted to the hospital on Saturday, Aug 7th because he was having a hard time breathing due to inflammation from the virus. Doctors predict the virus was present for 10-14 days and then Randy developed viral pneumonia that began scarring his lungs. Randy was transferred to North Memorial on Sept 1st. 

Although a rough 2 weeks, Tina has fully recovered after her body fought the virus. She has been able to see her kids, grandbabies and friends after her infection period was complete. She is now the caretaker for their home, cabin that is being renovated and decision maker for Randy's care.


As of Sept 3rd, Randys lungs are still scarring and there hasn't been any improvement.  He is being hooked up to the ventilator today - please pray for strength and no more complications. 

Please join the family in praying for a miraculous healing! We believe that Randy has more life to live on Earth!

Specific Prayer Requests:
- Randy's lungs to stop scarring and to heal fully
- Tina, as she takes care of their homes and family
- Dan, as he supports Tina in choosing the best medical care
- Dan and Jess, as they welcome baby #2 within the next two weeks
- Jordan, Maria, Tommy, Abby, Dan, Jess, Christina and Jacob to support one another
- The doctors and nurses caring for Randy to make the best decisions for his health & full healing
