Rachael Schopp

First post: Aug 26, 2017 Latest post: May 13, 2018

Rachael is a 21 year old health sciences pre-med student who would have been entering her senior year at St. Louis University.  This summer, she was taking physics, preparing for her MCAT review and working a part-time job in St. Louis.  While meeting a friend for lunch on July 13th, she was struck by a car while crossing the street. As a result, she suffered a traumatic brain injury and facial fractures from the accident.  Rachael was rushed to Barnes-Jewish hospital where the doctors immediately performed surgery to remove part of her skull flap to relieve the pressure from the swelling of the brain which could have led to further brain damage and even death.  

Rachael spent the next 3 weeks in the Neuro ICU where they focused on stabilizing her critical condition.  They placed her on a vent to facilitate breathing and attended to her other vital conditions.  We’re grateful to all of her caregivers for the excellent and personalized care she received while at Barnes.  On Thursday, August 3rd, Rachael’s condition stabilized and she was air transported to an acute care hospital in the Chicagoland area.

Today Rachael remains in a semi-conscious state and is receiving respiratory, physical, occupational and speech therapy.  Since August 8th Rachael has been breathing without the aid of a ventilator.

Rachael has a long road ahead of her, and we are by her side supporting her every step of the way.  While in the hospital, one of the physicians asked me, “what would Rachael want”?  The answer, a fighting chance.  Rachael didn’t give up on anything she was passionate about, especially life.  She loves life and lived it to the fullest.

We know that God is the ultimate physician and healer and our prayers for Rachael’s healing and recovery have been unceasing and steadfast.  Like the Canaanite woman in the bible who asks Jesus for healing for her daughter, we are determined and will not give up.  We ask that you continue to stand with us as a faith community with unceasing prayers for Rachael’s healing, recovery and that God give Rachael a chance to fight her way back to us.  

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