Porter Harmon Porter Power

First post: Aug 21, 2018 Latest post: Jan 2, 2020
Welcome to Porter’s story.  It’s mid August and Porter has had a busy summer. He made it Hershey Park, Kennywood and Hilton Head as some highlights. He was busy cheering his brother, Hudson in summer baseball.  Also, spent a lot of time outside in the yard and riding his bike.   He had a lot of bruises from all that busy “3” year old play.  He also had enough that I was very suspicious.  But, shouldn’t be anything abnormal, right!?! He is 3!  

The evening of Wednesday, August 15th, he raised his right arm after dinner and we noticed a very black looking bruise with a raised knot underneath. We asked him what he did and he said nothing. He said it didn’t hurt. The four of us went to Ohio Township to walk and bike. On Thursday the 16th ,  around lunch time I called the pediatrician. She immediately asked me about bleeding. I answered no. But I was suspicious why she asked. She said he needs to be seen today.  At his appointment, he had low hemoglobin. He went to the hospital for an urgent blood draw. We weren’t home 5 minutes when the pediatrician office called and said we needed to get to the ER at children’s.  His white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets were all low.   Mark and I’s heart sank. We were scared.  Unfortunately, this is where our AML journey begins. 

We believe that porter is one of strongest willed, determined, focused,  sweetest, happiest, funniest little boy. He is loved instantly by everyone who meets him.  He knows Jesus loves him. He will fight this battle and WIN. He has his own fight song. While he pounds his chest, Porter can do it, I am a fighter, I am strong, I am brave, Jesus loves me, Porter Power! 

Thank you for visiting.