Patrick Patterson Pat's Road to Recovery

First post: Dec 3, 2021 Latest post: Dec 9, 2021
On Saturday, November 27th after celebrating Patrick's 50th birthday party he came home and had a terrible fall. Pat was taken to Crozer- Chester Medical Center where we were told the fall resulted in the fracture of his C2 as well as cardiac arrest. He stayed at Crozer in the ICU on a ventilator until he was airlifted to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital on Tuesday, November 30. Thomas Jefferson began new MRI, EEG, and CAT scans when he arrived. While they were running tests they found that Patrick tested positive for covid and developed a blood clot in his right femoral artery. They are currently treating the Covid and blood clot, which he should make a full recovery from. Wednesday, December 1st the doctors at Jefferson said that there was some movement to stimuli in his lower extremity. Today December 2nd, we were told the EEG showed no signs of seizures and that there is brain activity!! He is running a bit of a fever, but he has a cooling pad on to help keep it down. Pat has also shown more movement to pain stimulus in his legs! As for his brain, it will be a waiting game for the swelling to go down to see if there was any damage. This will be a long road, but as we all know Patrick is a fighter and he will fight his way through this! 
*Updates will be posted here daily to keep all family and friends in the loop*