Patricia Mathews Pat Mathews - In Memoriam

First post: Mar 15, 2018 Latest post: May 16, 2018
PATRICIA MATHEWS was born on October 31, 1946, and died on April 2, 2018.

HER STORY:  I wrote this about 6 weeks ago)

Patty was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease in 2014, and had to retire after a 35 year career as a distinguished art historian.  In recent weeks, her symptoms have gotten worse; she has become disoriented, confused and weak.

One month ago, she complained of severe abdominal pain, and nothing I gave her seemed to ease the pain.  I took her to the ER, where they gave her a series of tests.  A CT scan showed a large abdominal mass.  Doctors took a biopsy, which showed adenocarinoma (cancer) involving the liver, pancreas, duodenum, gall bladder, etc.  In operable, and too large for radiation.

The oncologist has suggested a light course of chemo, just to keep the tumors in abatement.   If it is ineffective, or weakens her further, we will simply stop the chemo.

She is registered for Medical Marijuana, which she will take in  conjunction with opiods for pain.
The doctors suggest that she has a few months, at best.

So far, she is lucid, and still pretty much herself, but she is fading.  If you want to contact her, please do so sooner, rather than later.
Her Husband
Stan Mathews