Nadine Richards

First post: Jul 24, 2017 Latest post: Nov 4, 2019
Please do not focus on how I got here. Focus on the path ahead. There are no answers. I've become a member of a club no one wants to join. I will join the survivors names for cancer. I need to move forward. God only gives us what we can handle. I'm Strong , high endurance of pain, believer of miracles. I've surrendered and

accept my new journey to battle cancer. We're optimistic it's early and if not I'm ready! We all have battles! We don't ask or choose our battles: addictions, anxiety, autism, depression , mental or physical disabilities. We all struggle !

This is my journey. Part of my story and I believe Good will come of it! I'll Walk behind God as my leader and trust his plan! I do believe with God all things are possible! He needs me as a disciple to do something special and I'm available and happy to serve him! God listened and answered all my prayers. I appreciate the beautiful gifts he's provided ! It's now my turn to step up for whatever he needs. There's a life lesson through me and the people who will follow. Stand behind or beside me . Please create a net for when I'm weak , I'll need you! Go to your doctor, be proactive, take care of your body , respect your body, mind and soul. We are all Gods children and as a good father, he's teaching another life lesson. He doesn't punish us by these lessons. I'm not in pain! I will not let fear (the devil) control or enter into my life! I believe Love Never Fails and I do not feel or fear death! I'm not ready for heaven and hell is afraid I'll take over! I'll stay as long as I can!