Moshe Newmark

First post: Dec 22, 2017 Latest post: Jan 21, 2018
To all my friends I have some news:  On Sunday morning December 3rd at 1:30am I had a brain seizure.  Hamsa woke up after feeling the bed shaking and thinking that an earth quake was happening.  After seeing that my body was convulsing and that I was not ‘in it’ she called 911.  A fire truck and ambulance showed up with paramedics and I was rushed to Washington Region Hospital in Fayetteville.  Hamsa was “on it” and did the right thing, I am just sorry that she had to go through such a fright….

At the hospital I underwent many tests including a complete panel of blood work, a CAT scan and MRI.  All of the blood work came back NORMAL.  But what they did discovered was a 3” mass or meningiomas tumor on the sheath / layer that covers my brain that had exerted pressure and caused the seizure.
The good news is that the tumor is very slow growing and may have been there for years.  Shy of performing a biopsy, there is a very good chance that it is non-malignant and can be removed by surgery.  I have been told that removing this type of tumor has a high rate of success and that the surgery is usually uneventful and “routine” in the realm of brain surgery.

I can say that I feel the immediate preciousness of life and that it is fragile…three days after my seizure our grand dog Yoba had seizures and past in Hamsa’s arms…a dear friend mentioned that maybe he took on my condition and died so I could live…I know this seems a little far-fetched, even for me, but when we see ourselves in the greater continuum every scenario is possible…and so I continue to be reminded and with a spirit of gratitude!........

On Wednesday morning, December 13th I had a second seizure.  I have increased my dose of anti-seizure medication which hopefully will take me to January 11th, the date of my surgery.  My two seizures and Yoba’s death have put Hamsa into a delicate place that is very fragile.  Your prayers and good wishes for the both of us at this time will be appreciated.  THANK YOU! 

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