Mike Dailey

First post: Nov 4, 2016 Latest post: Oct 6, 2017
Mike lives with passion...passion for family and friends, passion for his patients and colleagues, passion for his faith, and passion for playing guitar and cycling.  He works hard, prays hard, and plays hard.  He has been particularly exuberant lately, as he is making exciting strides in orthotic care, and he is enjoying 2 grandbabies: Lylah who is 2 and Kit who is just one month old.  We just found out last week, that we will be welcoming a new grandbaby in June, which he insists is going to be a boy:)  We also adopted a dog last week, for Grace, which he is also thrilled with.  (Mike's not wild about the dog's name: Prancer...he'd rather it be something along the lines of "Lord Voldemordt," LOL!)  This fall I took a new job.  I miss my Lindbergh friends, but my new position has been transformational for me and has energized my career, which Mike has celebrated alongside me.  For the first time in our almost 20 year marriage,  we've been sitting together for breakfast each morning before I leave for work.  He takes our youngest, Gracie, to school after I leave, and has breakfast with her too, but makes sure to pop out of bed and spend time with me before we start each day.  Now, I'm not a morning person by nature; I'm not crabby, just quiet and focused on the day ahead.  Mike on the other hand prays over our breakfast with an energy that blows me away.  It goes something like this: "Heavenly Father we just thank you for this food, for our wonderful careers, and all the ways you've blessed us.  Thank you for my beautiful wife and be with both of us as we move through our day. Help us to do your will in all things. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen!"  Then he begins discussing how he is going to conquer this, that, and the other, while I silently chew my breakfast sandwich.

Last Saturday, while enjoying a beautiful day on his bike, something he has done a million times, he hit a bump in the road, and our lives have been forever changed.  He suffered multiple fractured ribs, a fractured scapula; and despite a top of the line helmet, he also suffered a skull fracture, and bruising to the brain.  He is receiving excellent care in the ICU at Barnes Hospital, but the roller coaster we are on is riddled with uncertainty.  His good days are marked by brain stability and quiet rest; bad days involve blood clots and neurological storms that threaten his healing.  It's a delicate balancing act that the doctors and nurses are performing amazingly well.

In the meantime, countless friends and family have offered support.  First and foremost, I'd request prayers for Mike's healing and return to us.  I've had so many inquiries about his recovery that I'm blown away, but not surprised.  He is a pretty special person.  I'm also quickly reaching the point that I can't keep up with all the update requests, so with the help of our daughters, I'm creating this Caring Bridge account to submit regular updates that folks can check for the latest information.

Thank you all for your support!!!  I am lonely for my husband's company, but thanks to you all, I know I'm not alone on this journey.


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