Maya Ostema

The last month has been a blur. It still seems unreal at times. But what is real is how many amazing family I have. Thankful for each of you and the ways you have helped to lighten my load these past few weeks. As my emotions have been high at times thanks for listening and being present. Life has seemed so different these past weeks. What I once spent time worrying about now seems so insignificant...

For those who don't know I will be having major surgery on January 30th (tomorrow morning)  to remove a very large mass that is quickly growing and taking up much of my abdomen. On the scan it looks like a bowling ball. It is growing off of the anterior wall of my uterus and is sitting on my bladder. I will also be having a total hysterectomy as the pathology of the mass will be determined after it is removed by the oncologist/surgeon... Dr Chapman.. she is amazing...  they must take everything out to be safe. During surgery they will send the mass and surrounding organs to pathology to know if they need to remove lymph nodes and other items.  Please join me in praying for a benign diagnosis as well as a surgery that goes well without any complications.

As a nurse I have seen many many things both the good and the bad... and having worked in many areas including surgery and hospice I know too much about outcomes and risks. So please pray for peace as I am nervous about the surgery and all that it entails.
One more thing hug your loved ones today and tomorrow... and well all the time because I am reminded its the simple things in life that truly matter the most.
I would like to thank God for helping me in this journey and reminding me that He is always near... both in the rainbows and the rain. All my love, Maya

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