Mary Beth Farnsworth

First post: Dec 27, 2019 Latest post: Feb 27, 2020
Welcome! Happy Holidays to all!! After 3 months of diagnostic testing I was finally given a diagnosis of Non Hodgkins Follicular Lymphoma and a treatment plan 12/19! This site is a great option for keeping in touch and following my journey if you so desire.  Background... I noticed a lymph node in my left groin in 7/18, mentioned it to my Dr. and said it was still there after 2 more visits throughout the year. I had no other symptoms.  I then found one in my armpit and went in to be checked, we ran bloodwork nothing too abnormal.  A biopsy of the lymph node was taken and came out Non Hodgkins Follicular Lymphoma. It is chronic and no cure available yet but very treatable.  Cancer treatment is never fun, but I will survive.  Remember...if you feel something or see something tell someone! I went to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa and saw a Lymphoma specialist, I had a PET scan (shows active tumor cells ) to stage the cancer. A bone marrow biopsy and bone biopsy. So officially I have the NHL cancer and it is stage 4 as it has been found throughout my body.  I will get a port (iv access) on the 26th and receive my first infusion on 27th  & 28th.   Follicular lymphoma About 1 out of 5 lymphomas in the United States is a follicular lymphoma. This is usually a slow-growing (indolent) lymphoma, although some follicular lymphomas can grow quickly. The average age for people with this lymphoma is about 60. It’s rare in very young people. Usually, this lymphoma occurs in many lymph node sites in the body, as well as in the bone marrow.  Follicular lymphomas often respond well to treatment, but they are hard to cure.  Treatment may be delayed until the lymphoma starts causing problems. Over time, some follicular lymphomas can turn into a fast-growing diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
I also have had Smoldering Multiple Myeloma (cancer of the plasma cells in your bone marrow) since 2009, They have tracked my blood work and although I have bone lesions everywhere they are not treating that yet. I am so thankful for that as it is much more invasive.  My sister Ellen has been my best buddy, taking me to all of my appointments and there for all of the procedures. Thank you Ellen, you are my angel!!! My sister Gale has been a wonderful source of encouragement and kindness, she will be coming in late January. My friend Betty is taking me for port and treatments to follow. Rosie is being well cared for by my friend Susan!  I will post updates and feel free to leave me a message of encouragement or a humorous tale...always up for a laugh! I will respond or journal as I am able. MB xoxo