Mark Edwards Mark Edwards

First post: Mar 26, 2020 Latest post: Aug 31, 2020
In a minor way Tuesday evening, March 24th, Mark felt like he was having a stroke. He had no outward signs and it passed quickly so we just went to bed. In the morning, he had another episode longer and more severe so we went to the emergency room. After doing a CAT scan , the ER doctor gently broke the news to us that Mark had brain cancer. He showed us one of the scans, where we could obviously see the tumors, at least eight and maybe more. So begins our journey down untraveled highways and byways called cancer. Thank-you CaringBridge for providing this site where I can keep everyone updated at one time. We would love to hear from you, but I won't be answering any of your comments or emails personally. Thank-you for your care and concern. Melanie