Margaret Smith

First post: Jun 2, 2016 Latest post: Jun 16, 2016
I have a tumor growing in my spine - 2nd vertebrae down in the neck. It is quite large (1.9cm), most likely benign, and putting pressure on my spinal cord. I took it as a compliment when the neurologist said I look much better than my MRI. :)

My hands and feet have been numb and tingling for the past 6 weeks. I saw the neurologist last week, who ordered the MRI. He had already done a full exam and a nerve conduction study, which I passed with flying colors. He then apologized and said, "peripheral neuropathy is really hard - sometimes we never figure out what is causing the problem." But, to be thorough, he ordered the MRI of the c spine (without contrast - it's cheaper, and since we didn't expect to find anything, that was fine). 

Even before I was totally out of the machine, I gathered something was up. The MRI tech was comforting me,rubbing my arm, and advising me that I would need to wait a minute while she ran and gave the neurologist a phone report - they had found something. She then came back and said I was to go immediately over to see him (this is the same guy that it took me 5 weeks to see in the first place!)  

As I was walking there, I called Andy and informed him that I was pretty sure that I had failed the MRI. He immediately came up to Knoxville and we went in to the neurologist's together. He told us of the tumor and then showed us the film - it was impressive. Even I, a non-observant person, could figure this one out. He scheduled us with a surgeon in Knoxville at 11 on Thursday. Andy started researching... We met with two surgeons, but chose the one who is older than our children and who has done 10 of these as opposed to helping with 1!  Obviously, there are risks - I'll be under, and they'll be working on my spine. They plan to tease it out a little at a time. Once they get close to the spinal cord, they will leave it if it doesn't just come off. Then, after the surgery, I would get radiation. He made it sound easy!

So, there it is. We would appreciate your prayers.  
- That God would be glorified through all of this
- That we would have peace
- That our love for God would grow deeper
- That the surgeon would have skill & wisdom
- That I would not contract any infections

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