Shaw Family Maple Shaw

First post: Jun 13, 2021 Latest post: Aug 2, 2021
Please be in prayer for Maple Shaw and her family. She is facing a major surgery called a bladder augmentation on June 16 at Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital in Atlanta, GA.

In 2012, Maple was born with a rare birth defect called bladder exstrophy. This defect causes the bladder to form on the outside of the body. The bladder is also turned inside out.

Between her birth and the age of four, Maple had three major surgeries. At two months old, Maple had a complete primary repair of exstrophy (closure of bladder, bladder neck and urethra as a single unit). When she was 18 months old she had her ureters (tubes that bring urine from the kidneys to the bladder) re-implanted to stop the backup of urine into her kidneys. Because of continued issues with hydronephrosis (excess fluid in the kidneys due to backup of urine), Maple needed another surgery at four years old to create a mitrofanoff (passageway between the bladder and abdomen used to empty the bladder via catheter) that Maple permanently catheterizes herself through every three hours.

In February of 2021, a routine renal ultrasound showed there was more hydronephrosis in both of her kidneys. In order to protect her kidneys from permanent damage, her surgeon will significantly enlarge her bladder using her bowels in the upcoming surgery. This will help reduce pressure in her bladder and stop further hydronephrosis.

The hope is for Maple to be in the hospital for only a week before she can go home with a drain (called a suprapubic catheter) that will allow her bladder to drain constantly while it heals. The suprapubic catheter will be in for six weeks.

This CaringBridge will provide specific prayer requests, updates, and further needs the Shaw’s have throughout the summer months. Rob and Becca Shaw are grateful for everyone who has offered help, support, and prayers along the way. Although the bladder exstrophy journey continues to present new challenges, they are hopeful for God’s continued healing for Maple and strength for the entire family.