Levi George

First post: Apr 24, 2019 Latest post: Sep 10, 2020
On the night of April 20th, 2019, Levi was involved in a serious car crash. We will post updates on his recovery and prayer requests as we are able.

This site will help us keep family and friends updated in one place. We are not able to respond to everyone, so please don't take offense if we don't get back to you but know we are thankful for your concern. Please know that the scripture, prayers and comments on Caring Bridge are very encouraging. Wendy and Dan look forward to reading the comments. Praise and glory to God, we love you all!

We want to encourage you with a quick story. God has miraculously healed Levi before. When he was 11, he incurred an eye injury that blinded him to which the doctor said "There is no surgery to fix this, there is nothing I can do. The only thing to do is pray." And pray they did. Months later, at a follow-up visit, the doctor shared that Levi's eye had made a full recovery, even restored to 20/20 vision! Praise God for his healing then and that we have his personal experience to strengthen our faith now. Please pray for miraculous healing again for Levi and for God to be glorified!

Please consider donating to help offset Levi's medical and living expenses – donate here (https://onrealm.org/ClearnoteChurchIndy/-/go?page=donor-form&fundId=bcabc724-1abf-4f8e-b1f1-aab700b70e32) or send a check to Clearnote Church, 9101 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, IN, 46234. Write "Levi George Fund" in the memo line. (Online option already has "Levi" as the targeted fund through the Church's secure donation site). If you have any questions, contact dabusara@clearnotechurch.com.