Kevin Bagne

First post: Oct 14, 2020 Latest post: Oct 23, 2020
You may or may not know Kevin and Esther Bagne and their four beautiful (inside and out) children. If you do, you know you are a lucky person. If you don't, I'm sorry, you should rectify this problem as soon as possible….but probably not until next year.

In addition to all the big and scary things you and I have had to deal with in 2020, Kevin has been in and out of the hospital. The Bagne family's world has been flushed with big medical words and scary numbers and an ever more restrictive diet to better support kidney function. Can you image having to completely change the way you eat right now? Seriously, look up the renal diet, it’s the worst.

Kevin and Esther have fought the good fight, they have worked hard and they have carried this load far enough. It is time for us, their village, to step up. We are here to lend our support as they are waiting for a donor for Kevin's third kidney. We will continue to offer that support through the transplant process and during the recovery time after. If you would like more details about his background story or updates on where things stand now, please check out the journal section. 

Updates will be posted in the journal here as much as possible. Thank you all so much for your support.
