Keith Martens

First post: Nov 4, 2020 Latest post: Feb 23, 2021
Keith underwent his 2nd open heart surgery 15yrs ago.  On Monday, 11/02, he went into the hospital with very high fevers.  They discovered that the valve he has had been growing a horrible infection for at least the past 6 months.  They are fighting the infection with antibiotics although they still can’t be sure which type of infection is growing.  They are holding off surgery until Monday, 11/09, to buy more time in hopes of discovering which type of infection is growing and the root cause.  Anyone who knows Keith knows he’s a fierce Godly man who loves his family and never stops working.  He puts everyone above himself and still being in the hospital is mostly worried about the kids and I as well as his clients.  Keith and I raise 5 kids together who love him dearly and are all doing their best in this time.  We are so grateful to everyone for their support, prayers, and love shown to our family in this time.  