Kathy Rawlings

First post: Jul 25, 2018 Latest post: Apr 20, 2020
In May I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  Its the rarest form of breast cancer and I do not fit the "typical" profile.  Within a month I had lab tests, biopsies, Mri, Mri with contrast, more biopsies, and CAT scans.  I had a procedure to have a port implanted to make my blood draws and chemo easier to access, due to the number of sticks.  Because I do not fit the typical demographic profile, I am also participating in a genetic study.  There is a possibility that I have tested negative for HER2 gene and this study will also give clarity.  I eat healthy, exercise, spiritual health is good, no drugs, no smoking, and occasional alcohol. My only negative lifestyle factors are stress, carrying hurt, and my sleep is not consistent.

I was not excited at all about chemo; matter of fact I was determined not to do chemo, until I became educated on my type of cancer tumors.  I have 5 tumors, three are malignant.  Because I am Triple Negative my chance of survival is 77%; however, if I have a reoccurrence within 3 years it drops
to 22%.  There is a good chance my cancer is more of an autoimmune problem.  I tried to get immunotherapy however in the USA it is not approved yet for breast cancer.  However, I was able to find a study that I was lucky enough to be able to participate in.  It is a double blind study.  There are 1500 participants nationally.  750 will get immunotherapy, 750 will get a placebo.  Because there is a chance to get a placebo conventional chemo, surgery and radiation will still be given.  So in essence I may be getting hit with both therapies.  Its pretty intense.  22 weeks of chemo and immunotherapy, 2 weeks off, surgery, then 5 and a half weeks of daily radiation.  

I am going to document my journey through photos.  Feel free to follow my journey through the photo gallery.  I will have weekly updates only through photos documenting my journey.  

Thank you to all for the prayers, cards, well wishes, meals, and love.  I feel very BLESSED and I am extremely humbled by the outpouring of support.  It means so much.  I am not scared.  I know in my bones I will be healed.  Gods got this. 

Love to all,
