Josh Lundeen

First post: Jul 26, 2017 Latest post: Sep 7, 2017
On 7/16/17 early morning, my brother-in-law Josh went in to the hospital with delusions, driven by his concerned wife Amber (my sister).  While he had been detoxing earlier in the week to stop drinking, it had caused him to go into liver failure.  A little over a week later, he has had 4 surgeries including removing a portion of his colon, attaching a ileostomy bag exc. His most recent surgery was on 7-24-17.  The doctor said he could only suture one cm on each end of the incision on his abdomen. Next surgery is Thursday 7-27-17 and they are hoping they will be able to close the abdomen completely. Otherwise they will have to put mesh over the incision and close only the skin,  which will cause him to have a permanent massive abdominal hernia. They are going to start weaning him off the vent on hopes of him breathing on his own... He has an 80% mortality rate until he receives a liver transplant... He is currently in the ICU in Minneapolis.... Amber, his wife is at the hospital with him, and unfortunately missing work... Please help and donate what you can to help with not only the everyday necessities needed, but help with any medical expenses that will occur.    Anything helps, and is greatly appreciated.


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