Jim and his nephews, Austin & Tyler

Jim Harder

First post: Jan 5, 2018 Latest post: May 9, 2018

JIm has been having some breathing issues for a few months now.  In October, the thought was a blood clot in his lung.  We felt relieved when that was rules out, but that also meant something else could be lurking...and it was.  

He had a few appointments and lots of tests in the following weeks.  Nothing was truly showing itself, but his breathing improved with an inhaler, so one was prescribed.  He wasn't really getting worse...he just wasn't getting better.  At Christmas, he had noticeable swelling in his ankles and calves.  He wanted to wait until the new year for his new insurance to kick in before digging much deeper.  

On Tuesday, Jan 2nd, I went with him to another appointment.  The doctor ordered yet more x-rays and all sorts of tests.  We still didn't have anything definitive, so the doctor couldn't get him admitted.  Part of this was because technical issues on the end of his insurance company and his benefits couldn't be verifed.  All we knew was something wasn't right...but that's all we knew definitively.  So, he was prescribed diuretics and a follow up with his primary was scheduled for this morning, and a echocardiogram was schedule for this afternoon.  He had more x-rays and blood work this morning.  Results showed an enlarged heart with some fluid.  His primary doctor increased the diuretics and started lisinopril to help protect his kidneys while the diuretics do their thing.  Then was the echo this afternoon.  The doctor that looked at it was bothered, so she kept him at the hospital until it was read by a cardiologist from Regions.  The echo confirmed large quantities of fluid on his heart.  At this point, it was decided to admit him via the ER.  

I went down, along with my son Austin, as soon as I knew he was being admitted.  Not too long after we arrived, Dr. Wardhan came in to see him.  Basically, Jim's heart is functioning at 15% tonight.  We know there's fluid definitely causing issues contributin to this, but we don't know why it's happening just yet.  There are many unknowns and unanswerd questions, and we will get answers...just not overnight.  

This is where his journey begins...

I have created an online fundraising campaign on  YouCaring.com  If you are able to help out,  even in the smallest way, it will   make a huge difference in JIm's life.


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