Angela Massengale Jesus Take the Wheel

First post: Dec 19, 2020 Latest post: Jan 1, 2021
Hello Friends and Family 👋

Thank You:
Thank you for taking the time to check out my prayer chain site and keep up with my recent health journey.

As if 2020 wasn't challenging enough, later this year I was diagnosed with lung cancer. 

Brief Background:
November of 2020 is when I received the dreaded news. Lung cancer. Thoughts of "why me" rushed through my brain like a title wave and quickly the stages of acceptance set in. 
In previous months I'd felt exteme fatigue, loss of breathe, dizziness and sometimes nauseous, but really my diagnosis was lung cancer? I'm not even a smoker! Naturally, I hopped on the internet to further educate myself. After reading/learning about several optimistic and pesimistic headlines and stories, I started to absorb numbers, possible treatments, tips and ways to kick lung cancer in the butt. 
Having reached acceptance with my diagnosis , I'm now ready to share my knowledge, journey and prayers with all of you. 

Why Your Here?
The simple answer is, to support me in body and soul. To lift up your thoughts and prayers and join me and my support group while I travel through this journey with Jesus.

What's Next?
I'm scheduled for a left lung lobectomy on New Year's Eve. The surgery, as many of you know, is a major surgery with an extensive recovery time, involving therapy post surgey. 

This holiday season and every day please hold your loved ones close and count your blessings. And, most importantly, be STRONG for me! Give me positive thoughts and energy. Each day I walk with Jesus and trust in the lord for he is my rock, my savior and my light. 
