Nick Burrus A Heart for Nick Burrus

First post: Jun 26, 2019
Hello everyone! My name is Nick Burrus. I am thirty years old and I live in sunny California. I spent my entire life in California and New Mexico. Growing up, I was consistently sick. My parents had a tough time dealing with a child who would stop breathing, had non-stop heart issues and more.

At the age of four I was misdiagnosed with a bug bite. It ended up being a Japanese genetic disease known as Kawasaki Disease. We’re not entirely sure where it came from!

My heart had suffered some damage, and due to the congenital defects, it has always been weak. Over the years it has grown weaker and weaker. Today, I depend upon a CRT Pacemaker to stay alive. My heartbeat is from a machine. Not my own. I haven’t had my own unique heartbeat since December 2017.
Since that surgery, I have grown sicker and weaker. It is now at the point, where we’re not confident my heart will be strong enough for the next five years. It was decided to go and do a transplant. This is the start of a very long journey.  